DAO Asia Summit

이벤트 개요:

​DAOs have grown rapidly over the past decade. But what societal impacts might they have in Asia? And how might we use DAOs wisely for society? ​DAO Asia Summit, hosted by Digital Asia Hub and Pagoda (in collaboration with Metagov, DAOstar, and CU STS), will focus on these above questions and more at the intersections of DAOs, Asia, and society. ​Through a combination of expert talks and panels, interactive activities, and group discussions over a one-day agenda, we will explore: ​DAOs – what DAOs are, how they emerged and evolved, where things are today ​DAOs & Society – understanding DAOs as a social technology (like legal codes and the limited-liability corporation), along with their risks, challenges, mitigation, governance ​Society & Asia – today’s contexts across modern Asian societies, current initiatives and experiments in policy and governance, key emerging societal challenges ​DAOs & Asia – the state of DAOs in Asia today, contemporary issues and opportunities ​DAOs & Asia & Society – DAO ethics in Asian contexts, decentralized leadership (and how to cultivate it) in Asia today, wise policymaking for social tech like DAOs ​The Summit will be an invite-only event in Bangkok on Nov 10 (two days before Devcon SEA) for a diverse group of policymakers, researchers, technologists, and social innovators.