Aperçu de l'événement :
Join the Cosmos Hub at DevCon in Bangkok! 🪐 Come meet the teams, devs and community that makes the Cosmos Hub the best place to launch. The Cosmos Hub is the beating heart of the Cosmos ecosystem. Cosmos Hub is home to the ATOM token and builders of the Cosmos SDK, Comet BFT and IBC Protocol - the three components needed to build and ship interconnected appchains at speed. Join our event at DevCon to learn more about how the Cosmos Hub is the best place to launch your chain! The day will feature - 📐Multiple hands-on workshops, on how to bootstrap an appchain, launch it with Interchain Security (ICS), and get liquidity via Hydro. 🗣️ Keynotes from Cosmos Hub's Jehan Tremback and Jordan Andrews on how the Cosmos Hub can support your growth. 🥂 Cocktail social (and dinner!) to close out the day. You won't want to miss the opportunity to not only learn about but also build powerful economic primitives that aggregate functionality across multiple ecosystems. ⧉