Cosmos Hub @ DevCon

Обзор мероприятия:

​​Join the Cosmos Hub at DevCon in Bangkok! 🪐 ​​Come meet the teams, devs and community that makes the Cosmos Hub the best place to launch. ​​The Cosmos Hub is the beating heart of the Cosmos ecosystem. ​​Cosmos Hub is home to the ATOM token and builders of the Cosmos SDK, Comet BFT and IBC Protocol - the three components needed to build and ship interconnected appchains at speed. ​ Join our event at DevCon to learn more about how the Cosmos Hub is the best place to launch your chain! ​​The day will feature - ​​📐Multiple hands-on workshops, on how to bootstrap an appchain, launch it with Interchain Security (ICS), and get liquidity via Hydro. ​​🗣️ Keynotes from Cosmos Hub's Jehan Tremback and Jordan Andrews on how the Cosmos Hub can support your growth. ​​🥂 Cocktail social (and dinner!) to close out the day. ​​You won't want to miss the opportunity to not only learn about but also build powerful economic primitives that aggregate functionality across multiple ecosystems. ⧉