GDI - Gawd Damn Independents
Hub Overview:

We're the GDI's (Gawd Damn Independents), and we're working for the Man - maybe you are too..? Most of us are Reno-ites, plus one Canuck - all with "Playa MacGyver" skill sets. Drop in late afternoon or early morning, as you might catch us enjoying a hot coffee or cold one...after work. Pull up; dust off a chair and share your best "There was this one time at Burning Man" story. We might trade a trinket, a laugh, gift emoji, or one of our stories for your effort. We have Burned forever, and we long the days of Cacophonic efforts and attitudes; if speed past our camp on a 'lectric bike - that'll be us - yelling at you - "slow the f*** down...". Dusty hugs and squinty eyed smiles back at yah; "In Dust (and mud) we Trust". Peace, Love & Hugs - the GDI's. (insert smiley emoji here).