Dynamic Seating and NFT Ticketing: Efficiently Fill your Events and Optimize Sales
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Enhance Your Event Management with NFT Ticketing and Dynamic Seating

Have you ever wished for a more effective way to assign seating arrangements that ensures your events fill to capacity and leaves fewer seats empty? If so, a dynamic seating system in conjunction with NFT ticketing might be the answer you've been looking for. Are you sick and weary of the time-consuming and tedious process of managing traditional seating arrangements for your events?

A dynamic seating system, what is it?

As the name implies, this function automatically assigns ticket purchasers to a section of the venue rather than a particular seat. The dynamic seating takes care of the rest after ticket buyers select the section they want to sit in. The system efficiently fills capacity by letting it choose the best location within a section, making it easy for both groups and single ticket buyers to get a seat. This allows for complete flexibility in changing seats up until the day of the event. Authenticity and security are increased by integrating NFT ticketing, which guarantees that every ticket is distinct and verifiable.

Why a seat picker is not the best option is dynamic seating

The most popular type of seating arrangement is a traditional seat picker, which lets the person buying the tickets or the event planner choose and confirm their seats. The issue with this, though, is fairly obvious: developing a seat picker is a major time and resource waster. Inefficiently, attendees choose their seats, and more importantly, when lone attendees choose their seats at random, the number of seats available for groups to occupy is reduced.

When using a traditional seat picker, customers frequently compete with one another for the best seats in the house, which can affect the stability of your platform. By putting the needs of your guests first and accommodating any necessary accommodations, a dynamic seating system eliminates these issues. Large ticket purchases or attendees requiring priority seating due to medical conditions are just two examples of how the system can adjust to any changes. By incorporating NFT ticketing, the risk of fraud is decreased and every seat assignment is guaranteed to be secure and unchangeable.

While maintaining the stability to optimally fill seating sections, the system will continue to assign the best seats to first ticket buyers. Importantly, you will also have complete control over seat assignments until the day of the event, negating the need to repurchase tickets. A simple seat change will dynamically adjust other attendees' seating to accommodate any attendees with medical conditions who request an aisle seat without causing any inconvenience. Attendee trust is increased by NFTs, which guarantee that these modifications are traceable and transparent.

The Operation of Dynamic Seating?

With dynamic seating, once a ticket is purchased, the buyer can select a ticket from a section of the venue using a section map that can be customized for the event or a menu of options.

Dynamic seating begins to operate when a ticket buyer buys a ticket within a certain area of the venue, taking into account several crucial factors.

  • How many tickets were bought, and how big is the group?
  • The kinds of tickets that were bought—are they all the same kind or are they all different?
  • Which area of the venue was selected by the guest?
  • The order and time of their acquisition.

Both desktop and mobile users will find the ticket purchasing process to be efficient and optimized. Any adjustments you make will dynamically adjust seating for others in the background, saving you the trouble. This makes handling customer service regarding seating incredibly simple. Additional advantages of NFT ticketing include the ability to resell tickets on secondary markets with authenticity guaranteed.

Implementing the Benefits of Dynamic Seating

Any size event can benefit from dynamic seating, and GET Protocol's partner Djebber, the ticketing division of the cabaret group De Keet, which hosts the Netherlands' top comedians, is a great example of the system in action. Frequently packing venues and delivering hilarious evenings, Djebber sells tickets for comedians like Jochem Myjer, Ronald Goedemont, Henry Van Loon, and numerous other gifted performers.

In order to efficiently and hassle-free unite fans, Djebber's ticketing has fully utilized the dynamic seating system of the White-Label. Ticket sales coordinator Laurens van Westing, who collaborates with Djebber, offers his opinions on Dynamic Seating.

The flexibility offered by Dynamic Seating is what truly gives it its power. All parties benefit: the venue can make last-minute adjustments to the floor plan, the organizer can ensure that groups are seated together even if tickets are purchased separately, and the ticket buyer still has a say in their seating. When I click the "Autoseat" button about 36 hours prior to the event, the venue is perfectly filled in a matter of seconds. It effectively considers where to put each ticket buyer and allocates them in the most appropriate manner. For the purpose of ensuring that no space is wasted, it automatically fills "gaps" between two and three seats with groups of that size.

The Economic Advantages of Including a Dynamic Seating System in a Basic Example

There are significant financial advantages to incorporating a dynamic seating system into your event management plan. By guaranteeing that seating capacities are effectively maximized, this system not only improves customer satisfaction but also maximizes revenue. Using a straightforward example, let's examine how this system may result in higher profitability.

An illustration of revenue enhancement and cost savings

Let's say you run a 1,000-seat theater and use a conventional seat picker system for events that usually sell out at 70% capacity. Due to its more adaptable seating arrangement features, dynamic seating allows you to increase this capacity utilization.

Conventional Seating Method

  • Seat capacity: 1,000
  • Fill rate average: 70%
  • The average cost of a ticket is $50
  • $15,000 is the revenue per event (1,000 seats x 70% x $50)

The dynamic seating system

  • Increased fill rate as a result of adaptable, ideal assignments: 85 percent, roughly.
  • 1,000 seats x 85% x $50 = $42,500 is the revenue per event.

Increased Revenue:

  • With dynamic seating, the additional revenue per event is $42,500 minus $35,000, or $7,500.

Other economic factors

  1. Lower labor expenses. By eliminating the need to manually adjust seating arrangements, dynamic seating may lower operating expenses.
  2. Increased customer retention. Higher customer satisfaction and repeat business result from improved attendee experiences, which tangentially increase revenue.
  3. Opportunities for Premium Pricing. Premium seats, especially for well-attended events with high demand, can be better managed and sold for more money with better seat assignment.
  4. Data Collection and Analysis. Accurate data collection on customer preferences and behavior is made possible by the combination of NFT ticketing and dynamic seating. By using this data to improve seating arrangements and pricing policies, revenue can be increased even more.

This straightforward illustration demonstrates how a 15% increase in seat fill rate can result in a substantial boost in revenue. The financial feasibility of implementing a dynamic seating system is demonstrated by the fact that this additional revenue has an even greater impact over several events.

The NFT Ticketing Potential

NFT ticketing provides event managers with a number of revolutionary advantages beyond improving seating arrangements.

  • Prevention of Scalping. Through safe, traceable, and unreplicable transactions, NFTs aid in the eradication of ticket scalping.
  • Data Management. Primary and secondary ticket sales are under the event organizers' control, and they can gather detailed information to help them make better decisions.
  • Verification of customer data. Blockchain-based, secure tickets offer verifiable information that can be easily incorporated into CRM programs.
  • Analytics in real time. Ticket sales and entry scan data are instantly accessible to organizers, enabling quick reactions to attendance patterns.
  • Operational Efficiency. The NFT ticket grouping system expedites event entry by reducing scanning times by three times.
  • Future-Proofing Participation. New methods of fan interaction are made possible by NFTs and Web3 technologies, which provide more than just admission but also an unforgettable, interactive experience.

We offer a complete solution that not only enhances event management but also improves security and attendee satisfaction by combining NFT ticketing with a dynamic seating system.